Tuesday, November 12, 2019



American Beaver.jpg

Beaver is a large, primarily noctural, semiacuatict rodent. rodent are a mammals of the order of rodentia. Beaver now only have two more species that are still alive that is, north american beaver, and euroasian beaver. Beaver are known for building a dam, canals, and lodge in a river. the north american beaver population was once more than 60 milion, but as of 1988 was 6-12 million. This population decline is the result of extensive hunting for fur, for glands for medicine and perfum.

about a scientific classification of beaver

kingdom  : Animalia
phylum    : Chordata
class         : Mammalia
order        : Rodentia
family      : Castoridae

genus       : Castor
Species    : C. Fiber (euroasian Beaver)
                  C. Canadensis (North America Beaver)

Image result for beaver body anatomy
beaver are know for making dam. so how does the beaver build the dam? beaver have a small ear that can seal closed while swimming, beaver back teeth are used for chewing up the beaver food, beaver eat tree bark and other tough plant material, beaver front tooth are harder on the front side than on the back side this mean the back tooth wears away more cuickly, so the tooth stay sharp. the jawbone connect to powerfull muscle for a strong bite
before they build their lodge the beaver will build a fondation for a damn they will pile up mud and stone for the fondation, after building the fondation they will build the dam on top of the fondation the dam was made of branches and small tree trunk the beaver will put a mud and a water plant on their wood to help it bind together. the dam help the river build a pond that a quiet water so they can build their home there, the dam slow down the river flow so the lodge so their home do not wash away, they will build an underwater entrance it making it hard for predator to get inside. then after all of that was made the beaver will build a lodge or their home it will protect the beaver from predator and shelter them from cold and bad wheater. inside the lodge was a cozy chamber, raise up above the water level so it stay dry.